Music:  Harmony For The Soul

Music is not just something you want to hear when you go on trips, It is the rhythm that has relief within it, it’s your escape from stress, it talks about your feelings, it is the harmony that your soul direly needs.

Music is the ultimate therapy. Have you ever noted when you feel blue and you listen to joyous music, your mood just entirely shifts and you begin to see things with a newer and brighter perspective. Everything feels nice because you’re not just listening to music but music is speaking for your mind, body, and soul, it possesses such healing powers that casts your cares away.

Similarly, if you listen to sad music when you’re in a funk, it’s like pouring oil on the fire. Sad music rubs salt in your wound and makes the situation even worse so avoid this music. However, sad music is what completes every good movie.

Speaking of movies, You won’t be satisfied if nothing heart-breaking happens in a movie and sad songs are what bring life to such scenes even though they’ll break you apart.

The music is not limited, it’s not just joyful and sorrowful music but a lot more than this like; Rock, pop, blues, jazz, classical, country, hip hop, heavy metal, disco, and whatnot. You can run out of room to enlist the genres of music, but not the music. Just choose according to your situation, Need a Pick-Me-Up, go for genres like pop, and rock and roll. If you want to relax opt for relaxing music. Feeling romantic, pick soft pop or classic love genre. Getting ready to work out, play high-energy music or heavy metal and it will bring the most energetic version out of you. If you want to study stress-free, listen to classical or even nature sounds are music as well, this will let you stay focused and relaxed at the same time. In a nutshell, The variety never ends.

Everything you do, music infuses spirit in it. You’re on a picnic, music will double the fun. You’re on a road trip, music will unleash the joy that you were missing out. Planning a wedding music will intimate it. It’s not about just the fun but music heals you, it soothes you, it’s a whole therapy itself. Precisely, Music is a perfect fit for every activity.

 However, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, where music plays its role in lifting your mood and enhancing the fun, there arises a problem where people often fall into depression just by listening to it. It’s extremely important to double-check your playlist, you must ensure that you don’t listen to sad music as a part of your daily life especially when you’re in a huff. Constantly listening to sad music will turn the lightness down inside you, and you’ll become self-delusional, thinking that every sad music or song relates to you but things will work out perfectly if you maintain the balance.

Back to what music does best, it has the nostalgia power. Suppose, you come across a music or song that you used to play in your childhood, It will take you down memory lane, the nostalgia will wash over you. All those beautiful memories will replay in your mind and it would be like you’re reliving them.

It’s not just melodious music you listen to, it’s a complete science, it’s the physics of sound and it possesses the ability to affect your whole body at once. It can either turn you down or lift you, it can make you move as well. Some beats of music excite you to move on the beat, you just can’t resist and you start dancing which eventually lightens up your mood. If you feel like procrastinating for the eleventh hour, turn on the music and you’ll feel the flow of energy within you.

Can you imagine a world without music? What would it be like? Monochromatic, underwhelming, and humdrum. Music is the vibrancy to our lives and without it, the world will be dull and lacking in emotions. Indeed human beings are full of emotions but music is the connection that lets them run through you.

Music works like a catalyst for your energy level and unlocks your full potential to perform your tasks. It sparks emotions and brings people together. To make a long story short, music is the harmony our souls need.


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